突然想到一个问题,房子长时间没人住,真的会因为缺少“人气”而 …
養陸龜,無論是想要經常陪他玩,或者除了吃飯清尿清屎以外都不理他,讓他安靜地過生活,兩種做法都行。 定期讓他曬曬太陽,如果有室外的飼養空間,只要做好溫濕度和日照的控制,那就比室內飼養更加完美了。 剛剛幫小孩餵完奶,看到社群有人在討論養陸龜的好處,心血來潮隨筆。
壬寅年恭祝阿彌陀佛聖誕暨護國息災祈安法會(九九法會) (2022-09-03) - 唯心聖教活動訊息 唯心聖教易經大學。大家學易經 做人處事可安心。 大家學易經 身體健康心安寧。 大家學易經 做。
Nakano Takeko (中野 竹子, April 1847 – 16 October 1868) was a Japanese female warrior of the Aizu Domain, who fought and died during the Boshin War. During the Battle of Aizu, she fought with a naginata (a Japanese polearm) and was the leader of an ad hoc corps of female combatants who fought in the battle independently. Takeko and other women stepped forward on the front line without permission, as the senior Aiz…
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The anterior angle of the trigonum vesicæ is formed by the internal orifice of the urethra: its postero-lateral angles by the orifices of the ureters.
蟻竇,係 蟻 起嘅竇。 通常蟻竇係由一隻蟻乸先挖開個竉開始起竇,之後做咗蟻竇嘅蟻后。 每個蟻竇都有好多唔同用途嘅房,有啲儲食物,有啲照顧蟻蛋或者幼蟲,有啲畀蟻后生蛋,有啲堆放。
房子长期没人住 - 養陸龜好處 -